Prepare Your Hospital For Tomorrow

"Learn in One Day ..... Implement in One Year"


Hospius Group is announcing one of its biggest events, a one day workshop in hospital management "Prepare Your Hospital For Tomorrow" .

KSA Workshop

Date:    Sunday, June 9, 2013

Venue: National Guard Health Affairs

               King Saud bin Abdulaziz University

               Riyadh, KSA

Egypt Workshop

Date:    Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Venue: National Training Institute (NTI)

               Ministry of Health and Population

               Cairo, Egypt

The master class is presented by Paul ML Smits MD MBA, COO at Medical Centre Leeuwarden.  Throughout his career, he is inspired by very special people.  During his years as the CEO of different hospitals, he applied the key success factors of those experts in developing hospitals.  In this masterclass he will share his secrets of success and use various managerial concepts that he acquired throughout his years of experience.

"Prepare Your Hospital For Tomorrow" is an integral program designed to train Hospital and Unit Managers on how to get on track with modernized trends in healthcare sector through two phases:

Phase One: Hospital Management in One Day "Learn in One Day"

Phase Two: Coaching Process at Your Hospital "Implement in One Year"


The program is an exceptional opportunity for attendees to develop implementing their visions in practical ways that will enable them to fuction their strategies efficiently, effectively and add value to their organizations.

Click here to download the Scientific Program