Hospius Academy

Hospius Academy is a part of Hospius Group in the Netherlands, providing sustainable and integral solutions; including educational and training programs for medical, nursing and allied health professionals.


To balance human capacity with medical quality, promoting and supporting the continuous medical education for the healthcare workforce in the region, through learning by doing and teaching with a balanced blend of theory and practice.


We believe that healthcare professionals have the right to practice their skills in a professional environment, likewise we believe in creating the motive to ensure that their medical knowledge is continuously up-to-date.

Added Value

  • Sustainable medical education for professionals “The Proven Approach”
  • Custom Designed courses
  • The trainees will experience “Student Centered” methods what will finally result in more efficient learning
  • Certification
  • Benchmarked with the European Standards and CPD accredited
  • Certificates are provided in association with MeduProf-S empowered by Fontys University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands
  • Accredited CME hours

Our Values

  • Excellence 
  • Innovation 
  • Teamwork
  • Community Servicing 
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Competition